The human body is a blood machine. The body achieves what mind believes. psychology of fitness.

The human body is a blood machine.It accepts what it needs as supplements and removes what it doesn't require as waste

Learn your health system .... 
Four basic stages of human body

1.Well being is health and a disease-free life. 

Your body's complete health is strength. 
The outer muscular appearance or the well-built body alone does not determine health. The internal functioning of the body determines health. More, health is the natural state of the body and is lasting. The build of the body is a false appearance and temporary.

2.Health is not in the appearance. 

understanding this is the beginning of body language. Material or exact science believes only what it sees and concludes by assumption. Life science (material plus spiritual) understands and accepts what is has experienced.

We have been pushed into the mindset of material science. Only turning to natural (life) science can give us well-being.

3.Our body language is linked to nature.
What is nature? 'A series of coincidental events' is a lesson implanted in us.

Nature is not a coincidence; it is an orderly state of perfect motion. Many of our ancestors under stood the harmonious character of nature. They used it for their well-being. They did not live as material scientists inventing new products. They were life scientists who understand the mysteries of nature.

'Nature does not make mistake' clearly understanding this is the basic lesson. Understanding the body through the vastness that is nature is difficult. Understanding nature through our body that is familiar to us is simple.

Therefore, let us come back to the basic lesson. If 'Nature does not make mistake', let us begin with the 'Body does not make mistake'. A healthy person walks into a dusty cotton mill or some factory. His nose inhales the dusty air. Immediately, there is an outburst of heavy sneezing. It is easy for modern material science to simply call the sneezing

'dust allergy'. What is the reason for sneezing? If the nostril allows the dust to enter, it will reach the lungs. It could have caused many acute and chronic lung defects. What is good - allowing the dust into the lungs? Or ousting it?

4.At Last. 

Our body will never allow anything that can harm it into itself. This is the nature of the body. Identifying the dust that may cause it harm, the body ousts it by sneezing. We do not understand nature. Our body has the wondrous capacity to protect and heal itself. All the actions of the body have our well-being at their centre.
